Minimum Viable Product – 5 Steps to Starting

As a Product Manager, you are responsible for creating products that are not only innovative but also profitable. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach. An MVP is a product that has only the essential...

5 Malaysia Digital Trends Predictions for 2019

The pace of how fast things are going makes the digital industry in constant fluid flow – adapting and improving at every chance given. Everyone is trying to seek out to be the new “Pink Unicorn”. However with all the new technologies like like machine...

The Dreamer, Realist and Critique

One of the toughest part of being involved in business strategy decisions is balancing being a dreamer, realist and critique. In generally each individual would tend to slide to one or the other. Back when I was doing my NLP Practitioner certification, we were told...

#DailyDrive –

We recently worked on a new way to connect Car Owners, who wish to sell their car fast, with thousands of Trusted Dealers. What use to be a manual one by one process where Car Owners would would walk up to a dealership to get a quote can now be done...

Lessons from Kitchen Nightmares – Feedback!

Lessons from Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares – Feedback! Being a TV Show where Gordon Ramsay visits dying restaurants and hotels give them a second breather, I noticed that most of these businesses fall into either one of this Feedback traps.

You and Who You Want To Be.

There is this grey area which a lot of us fall into. We have aspirations and goals to be someone, achieve something or be known for our acomplishments.  There is this tension between who we are right now, and who we want to be which often times causes us to be blind...

If you are Early, you are On Time!

“If you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late. If you are late, you’ll be left behind” -Quantum Education Group I think one of my biggest pet peeve is being late. Not only do I get very agitated if I’m late myself, but if...

Data Driven Decisions: Power of Intent

In the era of Big Data and huge chunk of consumer information; making the most effective decision to reach the target customers of choice has never been this effective with Intent Data. For a long time, marketing teams have been using demographics as a proxy for...

Why do you wake up in the Morning?

The question “Why do you wake up in the morning?” is a question toss up so frequently when asking someone about the self-purpose of an individual. However, 8/10 times people would say that they wake up because they need to earn a living. Not that the...